March 19, 2019

It’s been some time since the last post, and lots of stuff has happened. I’ve discovered that I am a more independent woman than I ever imagined, and I can do just about anything a man can do, if not more. I’ve completed the first draft of my book. I got back in touch with who I really am, and have started reading books again.

Sometimes you find yourself on a path that isn’t truly where you were meant to be. I believe the universe has given me a second chance to rediscover my path, and so I figured I would rediscover and redesign this blog as well. It only seemed fitting.

I hope to write frequently on various topics, and highlight my new knitting designs. And keep you in the loop when I find something worth sharing. In recent months I’ve become more alive and aware of just about everything in my world, noticing things I’ve overlooked in the past. I see connections and patterns between otherwise disparate things. I’ve also added an instant pot to my kitchen tools, so I have much to discuss on that front.

The first step was relaunching the blog. And so, with this inaugural post, I start anew. Hope it’s entertaining, enlightening, and brings some sunshine in an otherwise drab and lonely world.